Forrest sells his KH . . .

The top photo is a guy named Forrest.  He's was only the 2nd owner of this KH(1960-2014) Forrest owned this bike all those years - and he just sold it to a guy who wanted it pretty bad.  The new owner (Dave) got the motorcycle all prepped and it runs now (lower photo).  This motorcycle is so sweet.  You have to commend Forrest for keeping it all these years, even if it wasn't perfect and running.  Sometimes I wonder why a man who's owned a rusty old motorcycle or car for many years won't sell it to someone who wants to ride it - or restore it?  As I get older, I'm starting to see why.  Just because, that might be all they have?  They own a Harley-Davidson.  They own an old, classic KH.  That was real nice of Forrest to sell it.  More kudos to the seller - than the new owner for this post.  Hats off to the sellers - for without them - we wouldn't get to own any classics.

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