Tom Fugle @ Mooneyes Japan 2014 REPOST with added paragraph:

I just wanted to say(for 2014) it's pretty cool Tom built a bike for Born Free, went to Japan, got recognized for all his talent and work he's done in his life.  His close friends already knew this - they already knew Tom was a special guy, but we wouldn't have known (or at least I wouldn't have known it) I just knew Tom from the swap meets and bike shows as a kid, that knew Tator - who bought and sold parts and had a chopper, etc.  Then, Jeff Wright met Tom and showed us all pictures of Tom and his talent - and it just kinda snowballed for the rest of us.  I mean Tom is really an artist who does his own thing, and does it uniquely well.  All that practice and fine tuning of his skills takes work and dedication. - Heck, by the time we get to be his age - we might not even be into bikes, or have so many aches and pains we won't feel like doin' nothin'..... but, Tom is still goin' and it gives me inspiration to do something and keep creating things - and keep building stuff - and honing my own talents. 

Well, the above post of mine was a couple years ago - and time just keeps going on.  People don't change much, but times do.  Tom is heading down life's road, and nearing it's end.  He's been sick for a bit, but he just keeps changing lanes and passing all the exits.  His tank is on reserve now, but that panhead just keeps pulling . . . flying down the highway of life.  You got to take your hat off to a man who did it his own way, and tried his best, and influenced 2 or 3 generations(so far) of motorcycle enthusiasts who just wanted to chop and customize and build badass motorcycles, that shined in the moonlight and blasted in the wind.  Your inspiration and motivation didn't go unnoticed - and you'll still be an influence for many many years to come.  Thanks again Tom Fugle.  My warmest wishes for little pain and lots of good memories in your final run in high gear . . . left foot on the tin primary, right foot on the case, tone of the pipes in your ears.  Respectfully, -Noot

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