Sound City DVD

The documentary SOUND CITY that Dave Grohl and friends put together is great.  Add it to your collection to be watched over & over & over again . . . How this "board" which was purchased by a guy who just wanted to make some money in the music business - became a unique and legendary sound for all these different upcoming musicians - and the classic albums they produced at Sound City . . . it's just a great storyline.  Some critics say the later part of this feature is just Grohl promoting himself . . . but, I disagree.  It's like a kid who appreciates an antique car, an old Harley, a classic guitar . . . Grohl took the board down,
disassembled it, packed it, shipped it with care - and reassembled this thing to make music again - preserving it's heritage, to function - what it was designed to do.  The final scene with (basically Nirvana) but with Paul McCartney filling in is totally awesome.  What a rad song, and McCartney is just a god of rock who can do anything.  Nothing compares.  It almost brought tears to my eyes - you could just see Grohl, Smear, Nova . . . just diggin' it - like a dream.  Buy it - Watch it and Save it. 


  1. i recently watched that. they did a killer job on the movie. i gained alot of respect for the foos after watching can tell that they get it

  2. Yeah, it's great. Some of my favorite records were recorded there.

  3. Makes you want to go buy those records too . . .


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