First Fridays Kansas City @ Fountain City Tattoo

This is a cool deal in KC.  First one of the season at Fountain City Tattoo with Anchor Moto . . . and a slammin' jam session with The Big Iron.  Skate decks, long front ends, sissy bars, straight ribs, hair grease and plenty o' plaid.  Ricky & his friends know how to have fun . . . cool as shit everybody.
My plan:  Leave Iowa early, Meet Ricky & Amber
Hang at Shop, Work on Stuff, Get Coffee !!

Coffee shop had motorcycle parts on the walls, neato . . . so after a delicious afternoon "pick-me-up-java" we strolled back to Anchor Motor for a couple bike tune-ups, brake bleeds and wire swaps, all the while dudes showed up and plans were made for the evening . . .
Downtown KC has all these old, red brick, industrial buildings everywhere . . . now re-purposed into antique stores, art galleries, work spaces . . . and tattoo shops.  Photo below:  I strolled into Billy's little antique store around the corner and picked up a vintage "speed shop" T shirt and an antique can of Oilzum Chain Lube.  
Billy's shovel chop (built with a little help from Ricky Anchor . . .)

 Photos Above:  
Bitchin' GMC and Hangin' wit me Kansas bros . . . 
(see ya next time !)

More Bikes and more people just kept showin' up.  It got busier and busier.
The local Boulevard Brew was goin' down good !
The band tunin' up . . . skates were rollin' . . .
About the time the tension in the air was the heaviest, the beer buzz was kickin' in . . . choppers out front, all these cool cats, fillin' in the scene . . . about that very moment . . . The Big Iron amps came bustin' in and you just about wanted to jump right out of your pants and start mashin' and bashin' . . . Fuck it was great.
Pretty cool havin' a friend that has a badass bike shop . . .
and plays in a kick ass punk-rock band !
It got a little blurry . . . but it was so much fun.  All kinds of eye candy for an artsy gear head like myself.  Really neat and I'd give First Fridays an A+ . . . see ya'll soon.  -Noot

PS. Amber, I need your breakfast gravy recipe . . . Thank You.

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