Vintage Torque

I'm ready for another 5000 miles on the '52 panhead this summer.  I got a new set of (Black)Beston Grips, upgraded the transmission seal(not leaking yet), Yost Power Tube(more zip, they work), changed the oil again, running a battery-eliminator(no battery), all the motor mounts were tight (they've never been loose yet), went over it a bit . . . and it's ready for Dubuque.  Ricky & Amber comin' tonite, maybe Cycle Nazi going, maybe Kruse, maybe Hux, maybe Weasel & Steve, heck, maybe Klein, heck . . . maybe even Chvrch show up?  Ride, drink, ride, eat, repeat. No rain.
Photo stolen from Zen of Neato blog . . .

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