Viking Chapter AMCA Meet & Swap

I never did sell the gas tank . . . 

Lots of really good iron in Minnesota . . . The Raino's '57XL and orange '68 XLCH.  A hot-rod early ironhead with S&S L . . . Pans & Knucks . . . all the swap spaces pretty much filled up.  Lanterns and your favorite beverage for the evening wind-down.  My tent and camp were facing Snelling Avenue, and when the old bikes would leave for the evening, they'd race past on the street - it was really cool seeing all the vintage motorcycles whizz by at speed, shifting and changing lanes.  Reminded me of what it was like to ride back then . . . in the past, when motorcycles had the best sound (not just Rhineharts, or sport bike slip-ons)  There were CBs, BSAs, Triumphs, Royal Enfields, a pack of RDs . . .  all music to my ears.  A fun time was had by all.

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