C-Ya . . . Scot Breithaupt RIP

I bought my very 1st issue of Bicycle Motocross Action Magazine in the summer of 1978.  I was hooked.  Scot Breithaupt, Stu Thomsen, Brett Patterson . . . they were my BMX heros.  Racing, Competition, Gearing, Starts . . . and spinnin' that chain ring as fast as possible were what BMX was all about.  This was such an important part of my life, I've saved this issue all these years with the cut-out for my subscription - the start of my rebel youth; riding and racing BMX, promoting a couple of my own races, and breaking arms and legs.  I ordered a set of those BMXA Wings he's wearing, and my friends thought they were stupid, until they realized how fast I was wearing a wing on my right sleeve.(wish I still had it) If it wasn't for Scot Breithaupt, my life would not be as full.  Thank you Scot and may you forever rest in peace and never be forgotten. 
No. 1

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