Shop Time . . . Then Harleys & Hot-Rod Drags

After Dave's last nite . . . (and a few cocktails with the locals),  I got up early Sat am and did some work on Harley stuff . . . Chink's UL cylinders and valves are set up and ready.  Diamond Dave's flywheels ready for the polished cases.  Poole aluminum cylinders need some adjustment . . . but, we're on it !

4 5/8" Stroke with S&S Components
Stroker oil modifications completed
These cylinders are neat . . . However, not a bolt-on part Mr. Poole.
After a little work, we hit the road into a 40mph headwind and rode panheads to the
Harleys & Hot-Rods Event at Cedar Falls Raceway

A $10 Admission got you all the smoked pork you could eat and a wrist band for $2.00 tall cans all freakin' day long.  A small swap meet, car show, bikes and drag racing - Band at night.
JR, Noot & Rory discussion . . .
Ryan's Sportster went 10.40 w/No wheelie bar.
A 40+ mph wind at-our-backs on the way home - We were sailing.

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