Half - A - Century

Yesterday, in my own mind, "50" was the new "90" . . . I felt a bit down.  My family threw me a pre-party on Tuesday night which helped . . . but, I just couldn't get over this impending gloom.  Then, this morning I get a box full of money, gift cards, a cool home-made card, candy . . . coffee, donuts . . . everyone tellin' me jokes and wishing me a Happy Birthday - It was really nice - and I feel a whole lot better.
 Ready to do wheelies again. Age is just a number everyone . . .
I need a good iron to get these bills flat !


  1. Happy 50th Birthday! Im not far behind you...(:

  2. Thanks fellas, party's over - Back to Work !

  3. Happy Birthday sir - always enjoy reading your posts...

  4. Us bloggers are a rare group . . .

  5. Happy Birthday Noot! 50 ain't so bad. When folks get down, I always tell them, "someday you'll wish you were (insert age)".


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