Indoor Racing Tricks

1. WD-40 or Pink traction compound every couple days on your tires about 2 weeks before event.  Especially on the middle of tire (to the left edge) Goodyears, Maxxis, Sticky Dunlops . . . some old-time racers say those "trials type" tires worked good . . . whatever is clean & sticky like spilled soda pop.
2. Duct tape on your left boot (running the same direction as your boot sole) if you don't have a steel shoe?
3. Off the line in 2nd gear - Dive to the inside - Leave throttle on a bit longer through the first turn (since you're not goin' quite a fast as from a straight.
4. Keep your tires clean (use tire wraps or carpet strips with tape when not on the track)
5. Zip-tie your fuel petcock open ( especially if a body part could hit it and turn off your fuel )
6. Use a wood rasp (or aggressive file ) to remove the hardened, caramelized dried syrup off your tires after each time on the track.  The hardened syrup is really slippery !  You'll have no traction !
7. Wear an elbow pad (especially on the left ) so you don't get that elbow injury that lasts a lifetime when you low-side and go down.
8. Don't high-side - Not an option.
9. Keep your foot up if at all possible - When your foot is down, it's just that much LESS pressure on your front wheel for traction.  If you push the front - Accelerate a little to regain traction.
10. Don't hit anyone on the inside, anywhere behind their footpeg . . . possible high-side ?!
11. Roll On - Roll Off the throttle.  Stay inside - Stay smooth.
12. Don't look back til' after the Checkers !

1 comment:

  1. Ricky---i have a good friend in Oregon that needs his 70's Sportster engine rebuilt--if he shipped it to you would you be willing to build it and do you have a ballpark labor charge?--He realizes you won't know until you split the cases but is hoping to get a basic idea of what it'll cost him--let me know when you get a minute---thx much, Little Bear in CA
    PS: I enjoyed the Des Moines swap meet coverage and a good shot of DA!


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