Rich King

I heard he may come "out-of-retirement" (if he's ever really been retired???) and run a few more races in 2016.  King and Hawbaker teamed up for the Kansas Flat Track Series last year and won convincingly.  I watched King race at Des Moines back in the late 70s, and I've been a fan ever since. George Garvis backed him up with Honda power for many years.  Craig Rogers, Sam . . . Bill Werner . . . but, Rich knows how to set up a bike - what works for him . . . and if he's on his game on race day, you about have to be the national champion to have a shot at beating him. 


  1. Don't forget his win at the 1/2 mile at Rapid City in 1997.

  2. It took a long time for Rich to win a national, but once he did, I think he won like 20 nationals all together? Some really great racers never win one. He'd come up and ride the ice with us, and it was great to get out there, and say you got to run around the track with Rich King. Then we'd go drink beer. We called him the East-Side Slider 'cause he was from East Waterloo. Hell of a nice guy, but a fierce competitor on a bike !


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