The Big, Wet Freeze-Out . . .

Me & Hux (FXRT) rode down in the freezing cold wind.  We camped with Pete & Matt & The '32 on the hill . . .

Always a great selection of activities at Vintage Torquefest.  Flat track motorcycles, hot rods, great music . . . decent food & drink prices.  If the weather gets bad - go inside.  More stuff awaits !

 Minnesota gang . . . Keokuk gang . . . and don't forget the Wisconsin gang . . . party on . . .

Michael split the scene . . . " in my Chevy Van and that's alright with me . . . "

Nashty . . . described the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Conditions werent ideal but a killer time was had none the less.....good to hang with you my friend.


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