To Hell and back . . .

Tryin' to make these flywheels work that have been apart and back together a thousand times.  Sometimes you wonder if it's better to get some T&O wheels, Jim's or Eastern Shafts . . . rebuild the rods again and again . . . but, then you're dealing with aftermarket parts that don't fit either.  You still end up spending all your time fartin' around with these, when you could be on Snap Chat with Taylor Swift . . . or doin' some really fun video game walking around town - hypnotized by your phones like lost zombies.


  1. Sometimes a good puzzle is just fun..I prefer lacing wheels.
    It makes me happy to see the assembly...And sad when I have
    to put tires on..Man, I get tired of tires real quick..

  2. I got wheels to lace coming too - I think they're for a "teens" Sears or something?
    Wish me luck ! Hey Lucky !


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