My Panhead Chopper: Tested and Passed

This was my first real chopper build.  It's made this Rally trip for the 3rd year in a row - and taken me on many over-nite trips.  I don't physically look like a hard-core chopper rider - but I am now.  I've done it.  It's never stranded me yet (knock on wood) and always makes it back on it's own power.  The motor is smooth and that helps to eliminate broken bolts and cracked fenders.  The frame is holding up, and I've hit the biggest potholes, bumps and ruts (hey, this is Iowa).  I keep up with all required maintenance - and when wiping it off, I find leaks and tweaks . . . and fix them as I go.  It's a blend of man and machine.  When you build something all yourself - and then put it to the test, there's a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that takes over - the best feeling.

Story:  It was the hottest day of the rally, and I like the Pizza Hut on Lazelle ($8 buck buffet) then I sit outside and watch the swimsuit girls, strut their hot little bodies for the bike wash: "Dirty Girls, Clean Bikes !" . . . when a simple lookin' gent (in a car) pulls up next to my bike, as I sprawl out on the concrete with a diminishing hangover, and a full belly . . .His wife is with him.  "You know, it's been awhile since I've seen one of these . . . is this your motorcycle?"  I get up - and we go around with small talk - and as he walks away - tells his gal, "You know, it's not just anybody who can ride one of those things, (pointing at my jockey shift), especially through these hills."  It made me feel kinda cool.  Little does he know, this chopper craze has gone crazy . . . and there's dudes riding these jockey-jammers all over again - but, it made me feel like a badass none-the-less . . . and it sure is fun.  Except for the 10% down grades, uphill stop-lights, 20mph hairpins, and long 70mph sweepers . . . holy shit, my nerves tight, heart rate outta control, sweat, jitters . . . then I need an FXR all of a sudden.

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