The best of times . . .

Life is filled with ups and downs, stress, heartache, pain and agony. However, joy and happiness will usually outweigh all the former - and that makes life worth living.  We all know it's not always about joy and happiness for yourself - but, the good you bring and share to those who know you.  Last weekend riding this old motorcycle (it could be any motorcycle) with my friends was just so fun.  Everyone in their own state of mind, meeting up with others with "like" interests.  The weather was just right for cruisin' 72mph down the highway.  The sun was never in my eyes.  The fields were so green, cattle in the pasture, creeks flowing.  It was just the best-of-times which happens every once in awhile, if you're lucky.  Now the '64 is all washed up & ready to go again.  Somewhere?  But, now I have work to do . . . so a few more can do the same thing - and have their own:   The best of times . . .

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