Social Media and other Bullcrap

These famous people of Instagram post photos with a caption, then all the fans respond with comments, which are never answered back (since there is so many of them) It seems like a waste of time of your life to me.  Who reads it?  Who cares what you said?  You may as well dig a hole and bury that thought(comment) - since apparently the person you envy doesn't care about your thoughts(unless you stop buying their shit)  Most of the comments are just blabber anyway (not a intellectual response to the post) just immediate blabber 'cause they have the ability to comment within seconds. 

My land-line phone is crystal clear.  And the cell phone of my friend (at my house) loses contact all the time - and they tell the person to call back on my land line . . . "Uh, what's your land line number so he can call me back?"

After I made my reservation at The Best Western, the receptionist asked for my phone number and email.  I told her I don't have an email (I lied), but I could tell she was surprised.  I told her I just had a flip-phone, and I could give her that number, or my home phone number.  She asked what a home phone number was?  Then she went on and on how much she missed her flip-phone, and how much time she spends on her new phone, talking to all these people who don't even live by her, or that she only knows from her social media.  I guess I just enjoy my quiet.  If I want to talk with one of my local friends, I never bother to call them - I just go over to their house and knock on the door . . . and they're always happy I stopped by to see their projects or chat.  It's something that sure is being lost in today's world.  That . . . and the kick-start motorcycle !

I still like writing letters - and sending messages with a stamp on it.  It's more fulfilling to me than seeing it on a screen.  I write condolences on a letter, and drop it in the mail (or in the box at the funeral home).  Sending a condolence (via email to the funeral website doesn't carry much feeling - almost none)  Especially, when someone who always lived in Iowa (still does in the summertime) lists their address(winter time only) as Palm Springs, California)  It's like "look at me" I'm not dead, I'm doing great - too bad your family member is dead, but by the way . . . I'm still here - living it up."  Oh screw you.
(not you the reader) I love my readers !


FatDog 1903 said...

What is a cell phone?

Anonymous said...

What's a kick start ? Is that like one of those energy drinks?

Noot said...

Bill gets by just fine without cells or energy....

CHVRCH said...

Grandpa always said. Let the tool do the work.

Noot said...

My grandpa should have hung out with your grandpa. Point well taken.