Dave Barr is Riding the Edge

The first time I read this book, I somehow got Dave Barr's email, and he called me at work.  Holy Crap . . . it's Dave Barr on the phone !  We chatted, and it was way cool for him to call me(some nobody) and talk about his trip.  Now I'm reading it again. (every morning for 1/2 hr. before work) . . . and like any great book - it's better the second time (since I'm a shitty reader anyway).
I've been inspired, and educated by Dave Barr in many ways.  Because of Mr. Barr, I've become more Active - and less Stagnant.  Life is short, and if you're sitting on your ass, you can't get that day back.  I'm more careful with money.  I exercise more.  Small, problem issues don't bother Dave Barr(he may disagree) - and I try not to let them bother me.  It's a great book.
Before I knew the book existed, I saw him talking at a dealer show one year, not knowing who he was.  Dave Barr is a fighter and stands up for what he believes in . . . and a really nice dude too, just to call me up that day.  Thanks again Dave.  I'm at the paragraph where you're riding through Iowa right now . . . which I know was 'cake' compared to rest of the trip.  Incredible Reading !

1 comment:

  1. He was interviewed for the feature length film Why We Ride and his segment and the passion he expressed was profound. Enjoy the book....Ill have to check it out myself.


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