Shredded Ice

Jeff & Ryan tried out their new "Canadian" ice screws yesterday on the main channel of the Cedar River.  9" of ice, sunshine and 20 degrees - perfect conditions with hard ice. 

Fast Eddie (from Cedar River H-D) came out and ran borrowed equipment all day.  Here he caught his foot, but saved the day and kept right on chargin' . . . smile on his face.
Bake was hooked.  Most of the time he went by so fast, I only caught part of a front or rear wheel . . .
Lil' Schmitty's 2nd time on ice.  He looked smooth, never saw him down . . . and a he plowed the track in between heats on his quad - Bonus !
Fastest guy of the day on AMA legal Kold Kutters . . . Brian Schmidtke.  I knew which bike was his, 'cause he's got his name on his tires.  Chris Carr's ol' No. 4.
Burton tries out Jeff's CR . . . he's diggin' the hook-up !
Ryan Hackleman drove up from Des Moines.  Thanks for comin' up dude, and nice talking to you again.  Ryan's a crazy ol' cat who's finally mellowing out - ha ha.   Yeah right.


1 comment:

  1. I posted a couple pics of an ironhead ice racer we saw last weekend over on my blog. You might wanna check em out.


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