Kansas City Long Weekend

Hangin' with Ricky Anchor at the shop in KC.  Doing some sales, welding, junk shopping, great food, the full downtown tour of West Bottoms . . . and the show and swap in Lawrence.  Good times.  A big thanks to Ricky, Amber (and Dozer too).  Always make me feel welcome and showin' me a good time - You guys rock. Your friend -Noot
Blip Roasters has damn good coffee - for two-wheeled  enthusiasts.
Thai food anyone?
The best choppers for us "irregular dudes" come from Anchor Moto.
Lot's of history on these walls . . .
Chopper Dave's frame/panhead build above ( for Fuel Cleveland)

 No more Japanese
Anchor Moto went full on American Muscle ONLY
This customer drew up his bike build . . .
I dig the bitch bar/seat detach combo. 
Shea did all that work on this crazy fender - and here it sits
So crazy sad . . . (Crazy frown face)
 B I K E  S H O W  T I M E - Lawrence, Kansas
 He loaded the stroker, and we headed west. 
This motor runs the same flywheels and cams as Noot's old XLCR café racer -
and Ricky says it totally rips !

Looks decent in photos - but you have to see it in the flesh sometime -
- Original Hot Wheels Green -
Lots of nice iron at this show - with a few of my favorites:
Like this Rickman Matchless


Above: Someone's imagination was workin' overtime - Big time.
I liked it.  It was professionally built and clean.
Only one like it on planet earth for sure . . .
Magnetos are great on these things - then no battery woes.
My favorite row.
I might have to go back for the Vintage Iron Show in May?
I like Kansas City - Missouri and Kansas.
His new band demo  NO QTR(No Quarter)
Blew my mind,
Blew wax from my ears,
(and almost) Blew my speakers. 
 A Gnarly Hard Screamin' Jam this is . . .

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