Controlled Heat

It looks like the frames are all bolted in a certain position, then they light the torches and braze multiple sections at once?  Right?  Each guy with his own work station (but with no pictures of the kids, might catch fire !?!?)  What a nasty place to work . . .


Anonymous said...

Started my working life in steel plant, breathing cutting oil smoke,torch fumes and even this stuff they called Red Lead. Used it to paint structural iron. Now they say I really should be wearing a respirator, no I should have been wearing one. If its going to get me it already has. As your friend the painter,some of us are blessed to have gotten as old as we are.

Greg A said...

Bill Hines said in an interview he had so much lead in his system his doctor said he was a hazardous waste site. He recently passed at 80 something.

Noot said...

Yes, but Hines looked like he was 115 !