Blogs are up ! and so is King Kenny !

One thing my bud Jeff (COC) did that kinda surprised me. 
He kindly confronted me on why I hadn't posted anything on this blog for "almost a week."  I've actually felt kinda lazy and alone lately, that nobody cared really what I did, or how to do certain things I share with you.  His encouragement got me going, and gave me some motivation to keep moving.  I did some research, and found that blog readership is slowly increasing - it's true, blog readership is actually going up again.  About 15-20%, and more for certain areas of subject matter, mainly consisting of areas that offer "how-to" or educational programs, or on certain "sales oriented" blogger sites.  It also showed evidence where instagram usage is down - possibly 35%?   So as long as Kenny is in-the-air . . . I'm gunna load you up with photos, tech tips, and what's happening in the world of two-wheels and (sometimes Morty the Official Shop Cat) . . . .


  1. Your blog is the only thing I care to look at on the internet. Keep it up Noot!

  2. Same here. Its the only blog i check with any regularity.

  3. I enjoy your blog. Sometimes it's a history lesson, other times I learn something techy. No bullshit to weed through means I look forward to each new post.

  4. I check in everyday. Thanks for keeping it going.

  5. I don't instagram because I use a flip phone (at least I won't walk into a bus). I don't faceplant, twitter, myspace, or whatever. Your blog is one of my only vices along with a few other blogs that take the time to let us in on what's what out there in the real world. Jeff's and Max's are in that same vain also. Your tech items, historical bit's, life's journey's, and excellent rants, etc. are some of the best the internet has to offer. Please keep it up and know your not alone in the shop. We're there too. Built 292's FOREVER!

  6. Sorry, I forgot two good ones, Jeff Baer's Knuckle Buster 1939 and Shinya's.

  7. Looking forward to check everyday for new tech tips, facts, historical views and humor..
    Keep on blogging :-)

  8. Great blog site Noot, enjoy your no nonsense look at most all things mc related. Glad to see blog readership back up again.

  9. Noot i look for your posts every morning down here in Aus and i feel like something is missing and i worry about you if there is nothing there.The passion you show for old iron helps me get up and go to my one man workshop every day thank you .

  10. Mate, look forward to reading your blog. Check it every couple of days. Informative and interesting. Please keep it up. Cheers Pete

  11. Now there's a cool name; Pete Rocker ! Same to you Mate, thanks for lookin' to you all -Respectfully, Noot

  12. Noot love your blog first thing i check every day.


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