Gas Fumes

If you have pets near gasoline - use CAUTION.  If you smell fumes, check it out immediately.  Last night I ran my '64 Sportster and worked on it.  I smelled gas, and noticed I had left my fuel (Pingel) on - so I shut it off.  I checked the tank quickly with a flashlight.  Seemed ok.  This morning when I went to let Morty out, I was overwhelmed with gas fumes.  The crossover had leaked about 4 gallons out . . . The garage was full of deadly fumes!  Morty was lying near a small air hole at the garage door gasket - convulsing and shaking.  I was horrified.  I picked him up, took him outside and started trying to revive him, get him to move, splashing cool water on him, prying his mouth open and trying to get fresh air in there.  It was one of the worst feelings I've ever had - someone(my pet cat) who you are trying to save.  He wreaked like gas.  I got him to the local Vet, and they put him in an oxygen chamber.  That was 8:00am.  He "meowed" at about 9:30am and when I went to check on him at 11:30am - they said he actually stood up.  His back feet are still shaking a bit . . . and time will tell.  I feel terrible - and I hope he comes out ok, 'cause we're the best of friends and work together about every night. 


  1. Oh man, so sorry. I hope the little dude is gonna be ok.

  2. There are no words. Hope & PRAY!

  3. Thanks fellas - I appreciate it. See you both someday . . .


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