Lee Wickstrom

That's a (slightly younger) Lee Wickstrom (right).  Lee is still drag racing, and building Harley-Davidson motors after all these years.  He's made a lot of 1/4 Mile passes for sure . . .


  1. And still at it up in Minn. His blog, knuckleheadTheology is great.

    How's Morty?

    My kickstand broke in half (on the kicker one minute and on the ground the next). Do they call it a "kickstand" because you use it to kickstart from (vice the "centerstand) or is it because you "kick" the kickstand out? Either way, you pick the bike up quick but with no center stand? NOW what?

  2. Ha! Just what I did....the first time. My welding skills are cro-magnonish and the torch couldn't weld the center so it broke off again. I drilled out the head and turned a 1/2" rod down to a 3/8 press fit and "welded" around it. Looking at pics of orig equipment, and comparing to mine, I would guess I am not the first to have a go at fixing this. A missing kickstand sure limits your horizons.


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