Steve G.

Steve is a local guy(and friend of ours) who's been around for as long as I can remember.  Back in the late 70s, early 80s, he'd come up to our house and my dad (Noot)would help with his motorcycle, the same bike he's still riding in the photo I took a couple weeks ago.  After the early years, Steve did all his own work.  Built his own bike and ran it hard.  Rebuilt things, and ran it hard again.  I've seen him spin this big FLH around like a dirt bike.  You see, he found out he had the cancer, over a year ago, the doc gave him months, and Steve went almost a couple years.  Tough dude with a strong will, but always generous and ready to help.  He had the best stories that you just can't make up.  We'll all miss him around town - on his front fender-less, rebel ride shovelhead with loud pipes, wide bars, all black, gangster whites . . . In the wind forever & ever - never stopping again . . .

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear a friend has passed..The way of the world. Ride hard while ya can.


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