Harley WR . . . "R" is for Racing !

Randy bought a WR.  You don't see these things come up for sale very often.  All the owners want to keep 'em forever. 

Randy Goss: National #1 (1980 & 1983)

During the early 1980s, Michigan's own Randy Goss was probably the most consistant and dominate flat track pro in the nation.  If it weren't for some unfortunate mechanical failures, and a severe crash, he may have earned 3, 4 or possibly even 5 national titles.  Goss was trained by Markel, and tuned by Harley's own Brent Thompson.  He won nationals on factory H-D equipment, and he won as a privateer.  Goss won national short tracks, TTs, half-miles and miles.  NOTE: I've seen a few racing photos of him "captioned as Jay Springsteen" when it was actually Randy Goss (due to their similar racing profiles)

 Above: Here it appears he's running 2 into 1 exhaust ? 
Trying to get some torque from this XR for short track ?
Randy is known for being a hard charger,
but very consistent, calculated . . . and not a complainer.

 Photo Above:
Randy Goss and Ted Boody
Just look at all those fans ! 
They're everywhere !
Goss is on the outside #13 . . .
coming after Jorgensen(44) and Eklund(11)

Just the Letter K . . .

No KH.  No KK.  No KHK.  No KR  No KRM.  No KHRM 
 . . .  Just a K

Panhead Valve Seats

I've noticed on the earlier (1948, '49) cylinder heads, when the factory cast the aluminum head itself, there is not much material under the valve seat area.  The kept the port open as possible(maybe for air flow?) If you machine(bore) out the original valve seat for replacement, you don't have adequate "support" for the new steel seat on some of these heads . . .
The head above appears to have adequate support needed (without welding up the head, which can cause warping, cracks, etc.) which is a good thing.
These steel seats are an improvement.  All seats require a heavy press fitment.  If seat fitment is not tight enough, the head expands(from the heat) and the seat falls out.  I have the original bronze seats still in my panheads, stock from the factory.  Hopefully I can get a few more miles on them before they need replacement?  Old Harleys just keep on runnin' - 'til they don't !

New Old Stock Buddy Seat

This is on Ebay now.  I don't think I've ever seen one still in the box?  I wouldn't mind having the box !  This is the "later version" where the black vinyl is more smooth.  I think the one earlier has more of a leather, texture look and feel?  Below is the first version, about 1960 or '61 this one came out with a chrome steel "V" grab rail. I see it has the short, 2.2 gal tank front bracket.  About 6-7 different versions of the flat Buddy Seats.  All black, all white, 2-Tone, then colored covers available in red, blue and I think I've seen green ? 
Match your seat with the grips too . . .

Royal Bubblebags

 . . . now I got this thing for these saddlebags. 
Isn't that Red KH super cool !  I love those bags, the rack, seat, tank and low bars(it's just a beautiful motorcycle).
I'm thinkin' maybe a black set for my panhead touring bike/bobber thing I'm buildin' . ?

Nemo Guest Ranch

I see Jeff Wright and crew rode out of Nemo Guest Ranch and had a great time as planned.  The photos looked really fun.  Nemo, South Dakota (to me) is a magical place.  About 20+ years ago my "Sturgis Landlord" by the name of Alva, suggested I take a day and pack up my Kawasaki 250 and ride to Nemo via Vanocker Canyon Road, and ride some trails.  It was about 80 degrees already at 10am when I took off.  I wasn't dressed with proper gear, since I found myself freezing as I rode through the lows and highs of the (then unpaved) Vanocker Canyon Road.  The smell of pine is always with you.  This year there was an epidemic of grasshoppers which covered the roads.  The terrain around you looks like (I call it) miner's rocks.  A land of caves, streams, large rocks, fallen pine trees, pine needles and red colored clay.  Some trees are bare from fires.  It's a beautiful area, but it can catch up with you quick.  I was soon lost after selecting a trail off the main road.  Gold miner stake claim signs read "We Will Shoot Trespassers - Try Us !"  Now I was scared and edgy.  My riding ability was being tested as the trails turned to rough openings, and you had to find the trail to stay on it.  After being lost(and panicked) for about an hour, I came to a main road, and I was only about 2 miles from Nemo. 
I was so hungry.  I rode up to the main building.  It was me, my bike and 50 horses.  No motorcycles.  I was tired and needed water from hulking this "street bike that looks like a dirt bike" through the early morning hills, through fog and grasshoppers.  Black flies are also a problem.  Don't tuck in your shirt !  These flies will get under your shirt, and if they can't get out, they get pissed off and bite the shit out of you, actually taking a small chunk of flesh with them.  It hurts.  Then it itches. 
The Guest Ranch had a sign (written on a paper plate) and nailed to a pole that read: BISCUITS AND GRAVY $5.00 . . The bar has a tree growing on the inside and up through the roof (a main attraction) and I asked what else they had to eat?  She had one of those green order-taker pads flipped open with a pencil ready to write.  I asked, "What, uh, do you have a menu?"  She said, "We got biscuits and gravy." . . . Hmmm, do you have pancakes or eggs?  She said, "Well sir, we got biscuits and gravy, no eggs, no pancakes."  Uh, How about sausage?  Toast? . . . She said it again, kinda chuckled and firmly stating, "We have biscuits and gravy for 5 bucks . . with coffee or water."  I guess I'll have the ________________.  You know it.  It was kinda funny.
After breakfast, I filled my water and took a map.  After a guided direction from a horse rancher suggesting a motorcycle route around Nemo I set out and explored Box Elder Creek and a cave, and some beautiful lookouts.  It was one of the most memorable days of my entire life.  I saw a dead deer that was probably killed & eaten by a mountain lion.  I saw a coyote.  I saw trout - I saw frogs and thousands of grasshoppers.  The beautiful green hills and valleys are anything but black.  The sky is the bluest of blue.  It's just an incredible place on earth. Nemo, SD is a true gem.  The biscuits and gravy were delicious, and stuck-to-my-ribs all day - a great ride.

Jay Springsteen Does It Best . . .

 . . . and still doin' it.  I heard he looked great at Wauseon.

Bring Back Some Color !

The last few years, H-D just doesn't have the unique tank designs as in the past.  The 2018 "Eagle Emblem" isn't too bad . . . but it's like they just decided to give you a choice of plain jane, flames or tribal?  Wouldn't it be cool to have a 1971 Sportster like this one !?!?

Miller's Chopper

Our friend bought his first motorcycle when he was a teenager.  A 1954 panhead chopper.  He sold it after a few years, but always wished he could get it back.  Well, a deal was struck after about 20 years, and he got it back.  Rough shape, rebuilt (shade tree style) a few times.  But the same bike.  Now we're redoin' it right - gonna be a runner.  Cases welded (it was only held by one motor mount bolt in the front, the entire other case ear was gone !)  Heads done.  Flywheels done in the cases.  Top end is coming next . . .

If You Can Visualize This Picture . . .?

I've always liked the 1950s panheads.  It all started with a circa 1957-1958 photo (which I can't find, lost it) of a Korean War Veteran.  He stood proudly next to his stripped down 1954FL with a ragged shirt(smokes under his sleeve), a puffy hat(sitting crooked on his head), engineer boots and ragged Levis.  The bike was packed like he was going somewhere?  The rear fender hinge was removed, a '55 style tail light plopped on top, hacked off front fender, no front tins, buckhorn bars, funky muffler, with straight stripes on the tank sides, and metal stars and other trinkets here and there . . . It was just the toughest lookin' motorcycle.  That's what I'm trying to build . . . oh, and hopefully it's gonna be a hard and solid runner ?
 Got the brake all hooked up.  Original H-D drum, backing plate, nos rivets, nos sprocket and brake springs. 
"Keep your old Harley-Davidson ALL Harley-Davidson !"
 Big Noot drug out this window he bought from some old dude years ago . . . so I shined it up, and mounted a vintage bag.  I could use it today for all the no-see-um bugs - shit they're bad.

Magneto Hash Marks . .and other bits

This Hunt magneto base is movable, and has a "heavy drag" resistance to it, so you can manually move the mag and retard the spark for easier starting.  Once we got the base installed in the best position so it would break the points where we wanted it, we set the timing for the advanced spark running position.  THEN, I noticed these hash marks Chris has scribed in here - and they lined up perfect !  Good to see we're on the same page . . .  We also made a special lock nut for the retard stop set screw.  Point gap set at .016   I glued the cork cap gasket to the magneto body.

Ride Your Fat Sporty Day . . .

I'm thinkin' for the Hell On Wheels deal in October . . ?   Maybe put this in my truck, drive to Franklin, Iowa - Take a little ride through Montrose, Keokuk, Nauvoo, The Great River Road, Maybe cross at Fort Madison, Go see some scenery on the Mississippi . . . go see Michael, Steve and Tobias, do the Hell on Wheels Show . . . sound like a plan Stan?
That's just another great aspect of the Harley Sportster.  Light enough to get in your pick-up, or in/on a small trailer . . . and strong enough for a long trip.  Nimble enough for backroads, paved or dirt.  Not the greatest for 2-up, but if you're flyin' solo with a bit of gear, or a back pack - the classic ironhead is a great choice. 
I still use maps.  Can't beat a good map.

Time Management

When I got my frame back from Jordan Dickinson (after he straightened it) I set the bare cases and cylinder/head in the frame.  It fit about perfect with no shims needed.
The cases needed MAJOR work.  The heads too.  The cylinders needed modifications . . . one thing after another, and it's still occurring.  This thing has led an abusive life.
I call this my "gangster" fender style.  The front was damaged, so it got hacked.  It's come a long ways since a bare metal frame and hollow cases and heads . . .