Choppers In The Truck . . .

Hey, it's no secret that some choppers get hauled to the show.  It's best to ride your chopper, but the main thing is you get there - and you go.  We wanna see it !  You can ride the shit out of it after you get there . . . just get it there.  Do it like these boys did.  They threw 'em in the old Dodge and burned a 800+ mile round trip at 75mph . . . shit, I gave up tryin' to keep up.  Go Pat Go !
Pat's ol' man Ted is just the coolest.  It's so fortunate to have a dad that's cool.  And if for some reason you don't, be a cool dad yourself.  As I get older, it's the old dudes that mean so much. 

Pat & Ted's view . . . they have to shout to hear each other.   This truck runs a tri-power of three Harley CV carburetors with custom fabricated manifolds !


  1. That old girl looks killer rolling down the road.

  2. Thanks Noot. Love you & your family!


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