Puzzle Pieces . . .

That's what I call 'em.  The last things you need to get something done.  This fuel line could have been made, but I bought it to support quality after-market parts.  I'll cut the carb end, add a 1" stub of 5/16" ID fuel line - connect to a FRAM G3515 filter, add another 5/16" ID stub . . . and connect to my S&S Super E swivel fuel inlet.  Add a qt. of H-D 10-40 and let gravity feed to the pump, expelling air and bubbles overnite . . . add fuel, check for leaks, and start kicking !  This is a final puzzle piece.

More Puzzle Pieces . . . These stock exhaust valves for the Baas KH were kinda heavy and square lookin' . . . so I had Randy spin a bit off the heads to improve flow and finish 'em up.  Hey, every little bit helps ! 

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