Rain in Your Brain

I've only rode about 200 miles in the rain this year.  60 miles of it was really hard rain I won't soon forget.  I should have waited it out.  Sometimes it's easily been over 450 miles . . . When riding this old iron, I need to slow down in the wet.  I can't see, I'm wet and fatigued, brakes aren't as good - and less traction.
Spray off cars and trucks will powerwash you.  It all sucks.
When parked my seat fills up like a bucket. 
Water on my steel pegs and kicker pedal.
Water on the grips.
Water sitting on the magneto.
Water down the pipes.
Water in the air filter.
Water in the Ignition switch.
Water in the toolbag.
Water wicking over your helmet, Down your neck . .
Down your back . . .
Water from the outside meets Water from the inside.
It finally quits raining, but the road is still wet. It's somehow better now.
Unless it gets cold . . .
You always remember the trip when it rained and sucked. 
You forget all the other trips when the weather was perfect.


  1. I don't mind being wet or cold but both can really suck...stay dry!

  2. I hate riding in the rain. Period. Always have.

  3. Rode Sportster from NorCal to PA and back. September and entering Yellowstone when temp went to 20 and blizzard started. Left other side into Idaho when it started to let up. Worst and best day ever on two wheels. Buffalos covered in snow on the road, Elk crossing the river, swans on the lake. Ancient waitress drying my clothes in the kitchen in an out of the way café even with good foul weather gear. Frog strangler rain from Maine down to lower NY on same Sportster. Standing in Red Hook diner (by Rhinebeck on the Hudson River) in a pool of water. They are the rides you remember the most. If it was easy they'd call some one else!

  4. Thank you for sharing Richard...that sir is a journey.

  5. I've done 300 miles in the rain, riding in a pack...Just blows chunks.. No rain gear and trash bags don't work for crap.. Light rain w/ rain gear and rain-ex on the inside of the face shield I now use...not bad at all.. Heavy rain..motel time.
    @ 70 I've done it, it's your turn now..

  6. I'm 70 too. Was on the recent Lake Tahoe ride with you. Last day coming off the mountain rode thirty plus in a real frog strangler rain on the bobjob knuck. Where were you? I'll take 10, 15, or 20 years more of it thank you. Not going to die on no couch.

  7. I was ridin' in the sunshine, "Sunshine"..Around the lake with Rusty and Mark. Jealous?

  8. I got some rad MFr's rollin' on Noots Blog !


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