Trip to Spina's . . .

I flew to Vegas last week, rented a Beetle and drove to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park to hike the great wilderness Mother Nature has granted us.  It was an incredible trip to say the least, but this is a blog based on cool, mechanical shit . . . so I stopped at my good friend Bob Spina's shop in Las Vegas.  The Welcome Sign reads . . . "NO"
Bike Nite at Mr D's Bar was a blurr. . . . the band was cool.  Of coarse Uncle Bob knew everybody and introduced me to some cool cats . . . then back to the shop.
Spina's been around a few years.  He's pretty much the last man standing for the custom painters you read about.  Well, him and Bobbo.

Bob has never been one to dwell "on the past" and he's always more driven to talk about the future of paint, performance and the latest ways to paint.  It's actually kind of hard to find pictures from his early days - but, here's a few for your viewing pleasure !
He did show me his latest gadget THE "FLAKE-O-MATIC - "This thing will help you flake like-a-mother-fucker Noot" . . . all the flake just shoots out and lines up perfect. 
It was great to see Bob again, it had been since Sturgis 2016, and we always have a good laugh.  Me and Bob always kinda clicked, and I miss him all the time when I think of all the good times we've had . . . Hope to see ya soon Uncle Bob - Respectfully,  The Noot's in Iowa.

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