A Privilege To Work For . . .

It's not always your right.  It doesn't HAVE TO BE your way.  There are many things in life we all take for granted, until you can't do it any more.  I junked my right knee around 2001, and it goes from being my strongest leg . . .  (the ultimate kick starter that can start everyone's magneto equipped, high compression engines) . . . to needing crutches to walk, 'cause my right knee is junk.  I can build the strength to run, climb and live pain free . . . then slightly twist it just wrong, and it's junk for 3 months.  I see a specialist tomorrow to determine if I just need to change my system of rehab, or cut it open and see what's up?  Maybe an expensive x-ray for sure? 
I researched all the "knee mechanics" and picked one with a good reputation that's been doin' it since the late 70s.  The good news is . . . I've been practicing on the WL, kick-starting with my left leg, and got it running for the first time today It felt great to ride my vintage motorcycle again.
After my appointment with a knee specialist, and examining the x-rays... I have somewhat severe arthritis and multiple bone spurs from previous knee trauma.  He wanted to give me a cortisone shot, but I refused for now.  He demonstrated some exercises for me to do.  I had been doing some strengthening exercises (but he said I was doing them incorrectly), so I learned that much.  He said to bicycle, not walk so much.  Rest and use anti-inflammatories to promote healing.  Rest, strengthen, anti-inflammatory, keep it easy.  Wear a compression sleeve over my knee when necessary.  I've got my orders - now I've got to do it, or at least try - or it's an electric start for me I guess?

1 comment:

  1. Noot, Had a bad left knee that I dragged around for 15 years then had it replaced. I got my life back. Just like brand new in two months. Something to think about.


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