Broken Cylinder Base Repair

The stud hole of this cast iron K-Model cylinder was broken through.  Hawbaker researched what material (Tig rod) would be best for the repair.  I bead blasted and prepared the cylinder, then 'Bake Tig'd it in with fill . . . Next, we'll either use a live-center and chuck it up in the lathe and true the base, or use a mill?  Hmmmm?  A gasket will mark the stud hole location, and it will get milled through for a complete repair !  It's got a missing cooling fin too.  I have a donor head, so I'll score and break off a fin, then shape for this cylinder.  Chad Clapper will affix the new fin.  Just fixing and preserving these vintage engines for future generations ?. . . Hell with that - I'm runnin' it for MY generation !
He did a nice job.  The piston oiler plug is still functional.


  1. Unfortunate there are no repops. Welding is typically for JOINING two pieces of metal TOGETHER, not for make a part of original casting. Fuk, what a bitch, hope it works.

  2. Noot, Isn't that a 1982 FXB? It doesn't have the AMF in very small letters above the bar and shield on the tanks and it has the eagle on the front fender symbolizing the company was back under Harley ownership. I have a 20k 1981 that is 100% original and I love it. Last year AMF.

  3. Hey Bake - of coarse it will work ! I haven't had one thing you fix break yet - hell, that exhaust bracket on my rigid panhead has thousands of bumpy miles and it's still solid !

    Hey Rich - you'd know more about that than I do . . . It was at the Phoenix swap and show. Let's see that '81 sometime?


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