Me & Morty (The Official Shop Cat)

 . . . workin' on choppers before work this morning. 
Last night we watched our local gal Maddie Poppe win American Idol
I hang out with Mort a lot - he's my best bud for sure.


  1. Did you see the Indian stampede ....again

  2. Yes - Fuck those Indians. I just ain't on no Indian bandwagon at the moment. I just can't get into 'em. The street bikes are ugly. I'd rather ride a new H-D if I got a new one. You know....Dad got me into watchin' flat track racing back when it was Parker vs. The World (of Honda) and Scotty eventually came and whipped their asses, so Honda quit. Kinda hope the same thing happens again. Harley can build a racing engine, that's a fact - they're just lettin' this thing run for a bit - then I see them coming out with a more competitive engine.

  3. Harley forced Honda out because of domination. Restrict this, add weight...... Harley needs to up their game. PERIOD. Should be no way a tractor that has been around over 40yrs still winning. They will shove all others that dominate out, just like the Hondas. They need to update. They are capable but..... their shits an embarrassment. Old XR's blow the doors off the whatever it is now they are parading.

  4. We need to get us one o' them old aluminum XRs to play with next ! I got too much shit now ! Fuck it's hot today !

  5. Harley's new bike is probably a step forward of the old XR's. And it's way better looking than the Indian. I think Harley has decided that their market is the old timey vintage rider. See also their dropping of the V-Rod.

    In days long gone Harley made a serious effort at their dedicated racing frame that was chrome-moly vice the street version that was plane steel and motors made just for their racing teams. But in those days a winning team meant sales at the dealerships. Is the same true today? Is the prospective Harley buyer interested in race wins? Will the guy who wants a Harley be deterred by Harley's losses?

    The people I see that follow racing are more into MotoGP and to them a Harley is laughable. I think Harley sees nothing to gain from the expense of a racing team or racing cycle.

    It was 114 here the other day, and that was in the morning.

  6. Watching the Springfield Mile race . . . those Harleys just kept blowin' up - what a piece. They should throw away that one, and start over.


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