Christian Newman

Last year at Sturgis I ran out to Buffalo Chip early Monday morning to check out the Michael Lichter Show (better when nobody was around).  Christian Newman, Brad Gregory and Danger Dan all had the same idea.  I'd never met Christian, and he had some innovative features of his Evo Sportster to adapt it to long range touring.  His bike is a chopper custom all-the-way . . and you don't notice his engineering genius here and there until you get lookin'.  We ended up all riding together out to check The Horse Show at Full Throttle, snapping pics and gawkin' at the scenery.  I see Christian is one of the (3) selected builders of the new Indian Scout Custom Project - to be unveiled at this year's rally at Buffalo Chip.
SEARCH: The Wrench, Christian Newman at You Tube   Pretty cool there Newman ! 

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