John Boy's 45"

This rare '46WL motor is finally completed.  It runs a thrifty set of cams, took the sharp edges off the ports . . . runnin' the good heads, magneto - hey, it should be a runner.  It was a mess, but I cleaned up the mess. 
The aftermarket valve covers had this really cheesy zinc plating on 'em.  I soaked all of it in acid for a bit, painted the uppers with cast iron gray - and the lowers (I think?) are stainless steel.  I like the look.  I painted the oil pumps and other small parts cast too.
I lapped the sprocket taper to the shaft taper for a solid fit.  The aftermarket gear needed a modified key to work. 

1 comment:

  1. What are the drill marks on the motor sprocket for ?


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