Messin' with Wico Magnetos

I remember seeing Wico magnetos for sale in my earliest memories of swap meets.  A vendor had an entire box of H-D Wicos at a swap in Rockford, Illinois.  I didn't know how they worked.  They looked kinda ugly, and who knew they'd become popular again for racing and restorations???  I bought a Fairbanks-Morse Sportster magneto in LeMars, Iowa for $100.00 at an AMCA Meet.  The same vendor gave me a choice between (an almost new Wico vertical) or the used FM.  I'm currently working on about the 5th engine with a Wico....and I'm learning.  Interesting little "magic boxes" these things are . . .  #singlefire  #rotor  #don'tmixupthewires 

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