
I've decided to run this bike to Sturgis this year.  It will be it's 6th trip in 7 years.  Fuel every 50-70 miles (depending on towns with gas stations).  If I'm in a hurry, I just leave it running, swipe a card, and 1.5 or 1.6 or 1.7 gallons later . . . I'm rollin' outta there !
I checked all the fluids (really clean !), did a "nut & bolt" check with all the wrenches on the entire bike.  I took the primary cover off (no belt dust) and just looked over the belt, checked a couple things, everything good.  I run a Diamond chain, and I shot 3 kinds of lube all over it - then chain wax at the end.  Don't really like chain wax 'cause it's white, and looks like shit - so I wiped most of it back off.  They throw out little cans of chain lube at the bike shows (I don't know why, since most run belts anyway?) so I usually get one for the trip home.
I just ride this thing pretty normal - and nice.  It runs the old style "roller" lower end (no Timken) and it's just been a great engine.  No burnouts, No poppin' the clutch, No powershifts.  It'll do a steady 75mph all day long - and last time I went on this trip I rode it almost 750miles in one day.  Pretty good for a '52 rigid frame chopper. 
Brake fluid is full and clean.  It's my only brake, so it'd better work, right?  Tires good, check the spokes, axle nuts, brake nut, axle adjusters . . . and my chain guard is spring/bolt mounted (like factory) so my oil tank don't crack, and stuff doesn't break - it's worked good so far.
This Super E has just been the best.  I can't even remember what jets I run, but a suspect a 29.5 and a 70 or 72 Main?  I've had the carb for years.  I sanded the body for polishing, but then left it as is...since it looks cool.  We've been through a lot together, on multiple bikes, multiple miles.
My ol' friend Lil' Joe (from Las Vegas) molded the frame, tank, everything . . . and painted it.  It has took direct hits from the biggest rocks, and some huge bugs - and never chipped.  The bondo has not cracked (partially due to Jeff Wiley's dynamic balancing of my stock flywheels).  Lil' Joe PAINT with Noot WRENCH . . . Wish me luck - but with the good Lord on my side, and a smile on my face, I'll try to see some sights and have some fun - and share it with you later.  Not everyone has the time or money to go on a trip like this - and each year I dedicate my run to those we've lost, and to those less fortunate - and try to spread some cheer to all I meet.  Respectfully, -Noot


  1. Cool bike Noot, ya when one brake gotta be on top of it. 6-7 yrs ago just came down from Vanocker canyon road into Sturgis on my long chopper. By the ball park my only brake failed, all could think of was the twisty roads back up the hill. Had my knees knockin.
    Have a good trip.

  2. That's probably the "old dirt" road too - now it's blacktop and you run into all these bikes now. It filled up Nemo after the blacktop ! I used to be one of the only ones at Nemo(me and some horses) - now I can't find a parking spot !

  3. extra plug wires?! Safe Travels Noot!

  4. There isn't anything like a long haul on an old bike. Safe travels!

  5. ....I got extra plugs wires-CHECK ! Dave at Morris sent me another set of single-fire wires - they really work great - and Morris Magneto is an excellent company with excellent products.


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