Mike Wilson - Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Here's a photo of Mike sitting on Leo Payne's old "street" bike....a machine he restored - and had much input in the creation of, back in the early days of Cedar Rapids street racing.  I talked to Mike only about 3 times my entire life.  Each one I learned something, 'cause he told me a trick, or tip on each subject matter.  One I can't quite remember was setting the Linkert DC butterfly opening in just the perfect position - and it was a simple, yet complex operation - I should have written it down.  It had to do with filing or positioning the small butterfly bevel.  Hmmmm?? Maybe Wiley knows????  He autographed my dad's History of Motorcycle Drag Racing hard cover book on the inside - with a short note.  These old timers that knew how to make a Harley-Davidson perform are slipping away - so I try to learn as much as I can.  We just need some new young dudes that'll hold that throttle wide open - to test our ideas.  Like Mike had Leo.

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