Didn't go to Brooklyn . . .

For those of us who didn't (or have never been to, the Brooklyn Invitational) I know we are missing out on a really neat event. Possibly historical.  We all appreciate the pics from Jeff Wright and all the other blogs that give us a taste, but - no smells, no sound, no mechanical or human element of the event.  It's a bit scary going to NYC.  Where do you sleep?  Where do you park?  I know some folks who are in their 70s and live in the Bronx (in an apartment) - other than that - I don't know anyone there.  I'd like to go next year - it's like getting ready to jump off a cliff into the water - I feel hesitant.  Do you ride?  Do we drive?  Quit your whining (I say to myself) - just get there.  I've been to the Coba rainforest of the Yucatan - but not New York?  What the fuck am I waiting for?  I want to go to California too.  At least once. (I'm thinking maybe a van (with a bike worthy of being seen there -  and a place to park it for a couple days - or just ride the '64 Sportster . . . hmmmmm)


  1. Well make your plans but we are riding out to BF 3 next year again and to the Brooklyn show. So start saving your dimes and buying quarts of 50w because I am inviting you.

  2. My toes on on the edge of the cliff right now . . .

  3. i think i will do brooklyn next year, on my bike.

  4. come, you will have an awesome time!

    i park my truck on the street and i live in the city. it's totally fine.


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