"That's just not practical . . "

I overheard this when snapping this picture from an onlooker.  I say, "Who cares?"  It looks neat.  You don't really know how it is 'til you try it or ride it yourself.  This motorcycle is just plain ass cool.  I couldn't remember who's it was?  But, it's Right On !


  1. Lucas Creamer


  2. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that shit, "How do you ride with those narrow bars?" With a smile on my face is usually what goes through my head..That bike rules I saw it in Denver Fuckin' Clean..

  3. speed metal bike, Lucas' from Denver. This was my favorite bike i saw at Bord Free 3

  4. The more I hear people make dumb comments the less I want to do with the outside world!!

    Always a sucker for brown paint


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