When things pop out . . .

This poor shovelhead had the wrist pin keeper come out.  The pin eventually moved over and started runnin' up and down on the cylinder wall.  Evidence of the keeper is where it caught on the oil return hole and the piston beat around on that . . . The motor usually isn't real noisy when it does it.  It just keeps eatin' at it and oil starts blowin' by . . .  This one was a .010 over cylinder (and it took +.070 to clean it up).  Now with it's new 70 over piston - it will run again.

During the the AMF years a few disgruntled factory workers possibly left out wrist pin snap rings "purposely" to get back at the factory for layoffs, low wages, etc.  The dealers would have a customer come in for warranty work - and no snap ring was ever found in the motor.

1 comment:

  1. Great news Noot, I'll look forward to the gudgeon pin coming loose and flopping around like a prick in a shirt sleeve on the '74 . . . at least I'm prepared for the possibility . . . I wonder if there is a similar story of sabotage out of Meriden in the lead up to and after the strike . . . hmmmm ??


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