Kitschy Belt Buckle

"kitchy" is the term my wife uses for all the goofy, weird, clicky crap I like to buy.  I'm drawn right towards this stuff.  I frequent a variety of antique shops . . . and this one particular lady knows what I like.  She's says, "Hey you, bike dude . . . maybe you'd like this belt buckle?"  SOLD !


  1. Noot, you're not the only one. If you came to my house, you would never be able to tear yourself away from all the crap I have around here...

    But remember, he who dies with the most stuff....dies with the most stuff.

  2. I can only image until I get there someday soon . . .

  3. I need that for when I get my Yamaha all dialed in for this spring. If you spot another, you have know who to call!


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