Brick streets . . .

I live in one of those "historic" neighborhoods where all the homes have weird architecture and leaky pipes.  They are fixin' up my street with permeable brick paving.  Now, when I ride my WLA down the street it will remind me of the first Harley's riding through Berlin after the fall and defeat of Nazi Germany.


  1. Your post reminded me of a song that most radio stations banned in 1967, when they got hip to what the lyrics were about.....

    "Ain't nothin' it can't fix,
    old dogs can learn new tricks, when the streets are lined with bricks of Acapulco Gold...."

    The Rainy Daze, from right here in Denver.

  2. Hey NOOOT you wanna go up to St Paul next weekend....the 17th is the show class release party up at the heavy spot ill be driving through your town...hit me up my man...lets roll!!!!


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