Gouge has it now . . .

I'm at the concert last nite and this '32 Ford comes rumblin' up in front of The Surf Ballroom.  Some greaser hangs out the window and yells . . . "Shouldn't you be workin' on that motorcycle ????"  Oh shit !  The Ford is super sweet.  Jeremy jumps out and the door clicks shut with the sound of Henry Ford steel.  A fitting nite, a fitting ride and a fitting venue.  Jose had it . . . now it's in Iowa.  Looks the part.
So cool.  I guess he'll have to sell me that Chevy now that he's got the Ford ????!!!


  1. Straight up cool, hope it was a good gig mate.

  2. Don Felder was totally awesome. His band was tight - and age seems to have no effect on how you blaze into perfect guitar runs. Felder is a true master of rock guitar. It's one of the best concerts (if not the best) performance I've seen in 2013.

  3. Oh, and another thing . . . I haven't played an Eagles album in years. I don't even own a Beach Boys record. But, Felder and Brian Wilson and others - are master musicians. When you hear them live it's quite amazing.

  4. It was good to see you Noot!


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