Jeff Wright's Brooklyn Build . . .

Jeff entrusted us to assist in his latest build.  He is good at delegating responsibility to create the end result.  To have your name mentioned with Cole Foster, Zero Engineering, Hickman . . . among others, puts a little pressure on yourself to do-it-the-best-you-can.  But then, it's just a motorcycle - and you gotta have some fun with it or it ain't worth doin' it.  JW made sure I understood that.  I guess that's what makes him a unique builder.  He said I could blog about it . . . so here are some shots of the hours upon hours of trial, error and design that go into a project, a motorcycle, a custom machined version of an icon of American Two-Wheeled Performance . . . It's just what you want under you on a hot, Saturday nite, under the lights and the local hangout. 
Work by Noot's . . .
Dyna S installed and timed
Custom Battery Cables
Custom Plug Wires
Custom Speedo Block-Off Plate
Custom Fuel Line Delivery System
Custom Wiring & Starter System
(w/ implemented Circuit Breaker & Switch)

Just need 2 more small parts and we can see if this baby is gonna run . . !



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