221 Points

I never really understood why they disqualified Smith.  Now, it seems fair to me, the AMA gave Bryan Smith (and his team) his earned points and purse money back.  When the points are close, and there's that championship on the line, all eyes are lookin' for anything it takes to win.  I've watched Smith race a lot of years, and I was a fan way back when Smith was an underdog and took chances, and changed teams and worked hard to win.  I don't think he was cheatin' . . . just taking everything to the edge, to win.  Whatever it took.  The AMA, on a second look . . . didn't think he was cheatin' either.  The power of suggestion.
Go Smith Go !  You ain't on a Harley, but I'm rootin' for the rider . . . Good Luck at Santa Rosa . . .


  1. There will be only a few Harleys in the show next year. Time to step up rather than penalize the manufacturers that have!

  2. Bake is right,,only 4 this year,and they were Factory riders with gobs of factory support.,I am a Harley fan,,but maybe if their real race bike didn't cost a zillion dollars..lol there would be more out there..you know Cory Texter would rather be competing on an Harley...But like Noot said Bryan Smith's history brought back lots of interest...........Now if only they had real Short Track races again at Daytona instead of Honda 450 motocross pretenders...wearing pajamas...........ugh...and leave the brakes at home,,,yea,,I am a Old Dude.........

  3. Pajamas ! ha ha - They are, I always wondered why Dr. Denton wasn't a sponsor?


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