
Roger Reiman (chief mechanic), E.K.
and Mert Lawwill (tech support)
Note the short, rear brake pedal
Extra lever on the left bar
(to touch rear brake in mid-air,
when you're goin' over backside?)
Battery low & up front
Solid low pegs
Ceriani fork
Jumpy tach
It's a jump bike !
This photo freaks me out - holy shit !
Chrome low pipes (denote an Iron XR)
His best successful jump percentage.
 14 straight I guess?
Are those chrome rocker boxes ?


  1. Ya gotta read Evel by Leigh Montville. Or email me your address and I'll send you my copy. Too many books layin around anyhow.
    Still workin on the controls from the info you sent me. Lots of life gets in the way of my Sportster project. Cheers.

  2. I've read it. He wasn't always the nicest person, and was kind of an "ass" sometimes - but then, he was real. You get what you got - and he was what he was. The did call him Evel(with a different spelling).


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