Chris Milanowski's '42 WLA

He runs an early model engine and stuffed it to an earlier (Model RL) frame.  Chris (at age 29) has succeeded in learning all aspects of custom motorcycle building.  Designing, metal smithing and forming, machining, pattern making, paint, upholstery . . . and marketing (hey, it's in the show with a great write up)
When I walked into the showroom area (very early on Monday) I was the 2nd visitor.  Sort of ironically, there just happened to be someone already looking at Chris's bike.  I had to wait, then I finally started talking to them about it, and said I knew the owner/builder.
The POSA (or originally promoted under the name "Positive Fuel" or something like that...?)  The carb has no-float-bowl, so fuel just keeps flowing to keep the engine fed.  The idle is a bit rough, and works best at mid to WFO throttle !
Snappy clutch pedal for rainy nights and slippery Vans. 
Czech da o' tank oak leaf bros . . .
I shot in Serpia and thought the photos added more character to the gloss and flat black, chrome, and brush aluminum.
I believe Kendal did the elegant gold leaf designs . . . ?   They're sharp.  Chris hand-formed all the sheet metal from patterns he designed and built.  This WL runs a little hand shifter (down low to the left).  I dig the comfy custom seat !
Early Sportster triple trees(smoothed and chromed) one-off risers . . . and he made the lower legs (complete with late 60s XL internals).  The bike looks almost too nice to ride . . . however, it's thin, lightweight and should be a quick urban assault weapon . . . "Here he comes now, slidin' sideways into the bike show!"

PS. I talked to Chris on the phone yesterday, and he said the bike made it to the show at Buffalo Chip (picked up by a shipping company for the event 2 weeks ago) and back to Milwaukee "without a scratch"  . . . so a deserving hats off to Michael Lichter's shipping and show crew for a job well done !

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