George Smith's - The TRAMP

When I walked into Michael's reception on Sunday night, there were so many people, I didn't notice The Tramp displayed in the entry-way.  I came back on Monday morning to take some pics when nobody was around (and I still didn't notice it, until I was leaving).  I couldn't believe my eyes.  There it was - to myself - the most historical racing motorcycle (besides the 1970 Manning streamliner) that I consider to be the ultimate for any collection.
Do you know what's going on here ? Those aren't stock cylinders?
Not a lot of "stock" here . . .

It's hard to comprehend the amount of time George spent thinking about this motorcycle and how to make it go faster - it totally consumed his time for a few years.  He put his knowledge and findings to good use . . . S&S Cycle
Get on and Lets' GO !
 1954 = 152mph

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