The Winner's Circle

Team photos . . . you don't see them as much anymore for some reason?  Now, it's usually just the driver, maybe a flagman, and his car or bike.  There's plenty of podium photos.  If you've ever actually been a part of a race team - you know it takes many hands to be successful every week. 
This DRAGBIKE 4246 took a team effort - and some of the best-in-the-business lined up for this photo to be recognized.  Dan Baisley (3rd from left - most likely the rider)

PS. (I know 2nd from left is Ron Dickey from Axtell), then Baisley, then Fitzmaurice?, and maybe we could ask Jeff Wiley who the others are????  He'd know. 

1 comment:

  1. Dave Zehner back row black shirt, the mastermind at zippers


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