AMCA Show at The Ironhorse Saloon

 This show is becoming one of the highlights of Rally Week.  Carl Olsen did an excellent job organizing, rounding up bikes, and the field games (slow ride, plank ride, etc.) were crowd pleasers.
 Teens, 20s, 30s, 40s . . . even 70s were well represented. 

 Above: Bill Rodencal's FOUR FIVE . . . You know it's him from 6 miles away due to helmet.
Kevin "Teach" Baas came screamin' in with his stroker knuck - John Graff(Colorado) looks like What the hell . . .?
Carl kept busy directing traffic, then this Sportster came rollin' in - Dude !  My bud from Minnesota - He rode it all the way - Smiling ear to ear !
4 gallon tank and buddy seat helps you keep-on-trucking . . .

This panhead was a favorite - The former AMCA President's ride
After a delicious lunch - everyone saddled up and rode over to the "Spirit of Sturgis" Half Mile Dirt Track at the old, original fairgrounds location . . . a sea of smoke and solid lifters parade across town - purdy damn neato !

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